Learn Indonesian language, art and culture
Tamara Mladenovic (Serbia)Joshua Lowe (Australia)Tari PiringThe plate dance (Tari Piring) is a dance art dance which is owned by the Minangkabau people from West Sumatra. The dance depicts a sense of joy and gratitude Minangkabau society when the harvest season has arrived, where the young people swinging motion step by demonstrating their skill in playing the plates in their hands.
Darinka Ramirez Guzman (Mexico)Tari BarisBaris Dance (Tari Baris) is a family of traditional war dances of Bali, accompanied by gamelan, in which a dancers depict the feelings of a young warrior prior to battle, glorify the manhood of the triumphant Balinese warrior, and display the sublimity of his commanding presence. Baris literally means line or file, referring to the line of soldiers who served the rajas of Bali.
Tari Retno TinandhingRetno Tinandhing dance (Tari Retno Tinandhing) portrays women who fought, fought to preserve the independence of Indonesia in the Indonesian war times.Andrea Rutkowski (Germany)
Wayang KulitWayang Kulit is a type of traditional puppet-shadow play that originated in India and is now performed in Indonesia. The Indonesian word "wayang" is derived from a word meaning shadow or ghost, while Kulit means leather or skin.Charlotte Mallet (France)
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Darmasiswa Announcement : Selection Results 2015/2016
Final Round of Bahasa Indonesia Speech Competition
Introducing Indonesia’s tourism: BIPA Unmul holiday in Derawan Island
Celebration Saraswati Ceremony
Attending Balinese Wedding
International Cross-Cultural Day (ICCD)
FCS UB Welcomes Seven International Students for the 2023/2024 Darmasiswa RI Program
Exploring Sunyaragi Cave of Cirebon With Darmasiswa Student From STMIK IKMI Cirebon
Darmasiswa Student of University of Muhammadiyah Malang From Vietnam Wins Singing Competition in East Java Region Level
Welcome to Darmasiswa
I belong to people who refuse to surrender to any form of globalization that resulted in the domination of one culture over others. Globalization, in my perspective, should in fact enrich the world culturally. It should open the possibility for cultural exchange that promote friendship, commonality, and humanity. As humans are gifted with the ability to create, understand, and use language, I believe that we can use language to bridge cultural differences and to cope with globalization. By learning other languages, one could discover many interesting characteristics about other cultures – DARMASISWA offers this opportunity to the world.
DARMASISWA is a one year non-degree scholarship program offered to all non-Indonesia citizens from countries which Indonesia has diplomatic relations to study Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia), arts, music, crafts and other specific subjects at 68 Indonesian higher education institutions (for 2024/2025 academic year). This program was established in 1974 as part of ASEAN initiative, admitting only students from ASEAN. However, in 1976 DARMASISWA was extended further to other countries. Until to date, the number of countries participating in this program has exceeded more than 111. DARMASISWA is organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
The main objective of the DARMASISWA program is to increase and cultivate interest in Indonesian language and Indonesian culture among citizens from other countries. It also designed to increase mutual understanding and provide stronger cultural bonds between different nations.
I would like to convey my sincerest gratitude and highest appreciation to students of the DARMASISWA for their enthusiasm and participation in this program.
Last but not least, allow me to remind all of us that we are now citizens of the world. Let us learn other languages and cultures, go global, and make the world a better place.
Thank you,Anang Ristanto
Acting Head of Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations, Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education
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Closing at 14, April 2024, 23.59 GMT+7
What Students Say
How students said about their experiences with Darmasiswa.

Judit Molnár, Hungaria

Ivan Garcia, Spanyol

Milovy Mariel Ramos, Filipina

Angela Arunarsirakul, USA

Aliona Gushchina, Rusia
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